I am interested in information and data of all sorts – manuscripts, financial records, government documents – in analog or digital form. I enjoy organizing and making information accessible to users. I love the challenge of creating order out of chaos.
I also enjoy providing reference services and user instruction to aid users in discovering and accessing the information they need. It is so rewarding to help users through the process of discerning the information that they need and then help them locate it. Their question quickly becomes my own.
I fervently believe in the necessity of the preservation and sustainability of information so that it is available as long as it has value to users. For cultural heritage materials, it is vital that the information remain available to future generations.
My favorite type of information documents the lives of individuals, events, and culture. This type of information spans the professional bailiwicks of both archivists and librarians.
Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit.
— William Pollard,
American Physicist
If you are interested in information about my family archiving online courses and consulting packages, please visit my website, Keeping the Past.